Kintore is one of the most remote indigenous communities in Australia. It is also one of the most spiritual, with its people having a very deep commitment to God the Creator. I was given permission by the elders to access this area, and we camped the night at a memorial that had been built to commemorate the early indigenous evangelists. Not quite knowing where to go for sunrise, we just sort of set out and ended up in this spot. Soon the early morning sun flooded into the valley and hit the walls of Mount Kintore. Even more remarkable were the clouds right above where we were standing to shoot the photo. They looked like a vortex being formed in the sky, almost like a portal opening into the heavens. So not only did the photo turn out wonderfully, but I felt there was something very special happening in this part of our nation. It was, to me, like a sign of Gods presence, and of his awesome power.
Kintore is one of the most remote indigenous communities in Australia. It is also one of the most spiritual, with its people having a very deep commitment to God the Creator. I was given permission by the elders to access this area, and we camped the night at a memorial that had been built to commemorate the early indigenous evangelists. Not quite knowing where to go for sunrise, we just sort of set out and ended up in this spot. Soon the early morning sun flooded into the valley and hit the walls of Mount Kintore. Even more remarkable were the clouds right above where we were standing to shoot the photo. They looked like a vortex being formed in the sky, almost like a portal opening into the heavens. So not only did the photo turn out wonderfully, but I felt there was something very special happening in this part of our nation. It was, to me, like a sign of Gods presence, and of his awesome power.