Haasts Bluff is almost a second home to me. The people out there have become like family and through the relationships Ive formed, I have been granted access to some very special places. Sometimes when I visit, I am shown a new location and I used to wonder why my friends didnt t show me everything at once. But I now understand that as our friendship deepens, each new place has a time to be revealed. This is what relationships are all about as you spend time with people, you receive new revelations and begin to see the real beauty within. One of the elders showed me this place, and on this particular morning I was waiting for classic reflections. But instead, some wild brumbies entered the picture and gave me a far more interesting image, with Haasts Bluff looming in the background.
Haasts Bluff is almost a second home to me. The people out there have become like family and through the relationships Ive formed, I have been granted access to some very special places. Sometimes when I visit, I am shown a new location and I used to wonder why my friends didnt t show me everything at once. But I now understand that as our friendship deepens, each new place has a time to be revealed. This is what relationships are all about as you spend time with people, you receive new revelations and begin to see the real beauty within. One of the elders showed me this place, and on this particular morning I was waiting for classic reflections. But instead, some wild brumbies entered the picture and gave me a far more interesting image, with Haasts Bluff looming in the background.