Its not what we get out of life that gives the greatest meaning, but what we do to help others. This photo was taken at Haasts Bluff. I am deeply connected to this land and its people, having worked with the indigenous people there for many years and they are now my family. We established a foundation (, to create job opportunities in the creative arts for the indigenous community, as they learn how to make a living from photography, cinematography, music and tourism. I have been shooting here for years, always looking for new angles. Having found this tree one day with a friend, I was excited to try a sunrise and I sensed we were in for a beauty. But I had forgotten my large-format camera! Fortunately, I had my Lumix G9, so I took multiple shots and later created a stitched panorama. This glorious pastel curtain ignited the sky over our heads as the sun s first rays began to light up the Bluff.