The name Running Man Rock was coined by Ray Martin after he first took a photo from a commercial flight at 37,000 feet. Most people would have been sleeping or watching movies, but Ray was taking photos through the window. When he showed me his pictures, taken on one of his early Lumix cameras, we both knew we had to find the place. Thus began a quest to pinpoint the location of Running Man Rock, and figure out how to get there. After pestering several pilots, Ray got the coordinates and, with the help of some fabulous people, an expedition was mounted. Ill never forget how nervous Ray was. What if the location didnt t live up to his high-altitude photo? We found the location by helicopter one afternoon and when we saw it, we were both blown away - definitely not disappointed. But I wanted to come up with a different angle than Ray was shooting and I felt sunrise would be ideal. And the next morning we were greeted by this amazing sunrise, giving us both a grand welcome to Running Man Rock.
The name Running Man Rock was coined by Ray Martin after he first took a photo from a commercial flight at 37,000 feet. Most people would have been sleeping or watching movies, but Ray was taking photos through the window. When he showed me his pictures, taken on one of his early Lumix cameras, we both knew we had to find the place. Thus began a quest to pinpoint the location of Running Man Rock, and figure out how to get there. After pestering several pilots, Ray got the coordinates and, with the help of some fabulous people, an expedition was mounted. Ill never forget how nervous Ray was. What if the location didnt t live up to his high-altitude photo? We found the location by helicopter one afternoon and when we saw it, we were both blown away - definitely not disappointed. But I wanted to come up with a different angle than Ray was shooting and I felt sunrise would be ideal. And the next morning we were greeted by this amazing sunrise, giving us both a grand welcome to Running Man Rock.