This was a difficult shot. I was hanging out of a helicopter on a harness, doing my level best to avoid shooting the helicopters blades and skids. But it was more than worth it. The day was perfect, as clear as crystal right to the horizon. The blues and greens were rich like a jewel, and the marbled patterns of the reef were beyond compare. The tiny heart-shaped feature (which gives this reef its name) can be seen here in the upper right of the main pool. And in the far distance, clearly visible as a ribbon of blue, the so-called Ocean River wends its way towards the open sea. This is a scene I will never forget, one of the greatest treasures of Australias magnificent north.
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This was a difficult shot. I was hanging out of a helicopter on a harness, doing my level best to avoid shooting the helicopters blades and skids. But it was more than worth it. The day was perfect, as clear as crystal right to the horizon. The blues and greens were rich like a jewel, and the marbled patterns of the reef were beyond compare. The tiny heart-shaped feature (which gives this reef its name) can be seen here in the upper right of the main pool. And in the far distance, clearly visible as a ribbon of blue, the so-called Ocean River wends its way towards the open sea. This is a scene I will never forget, one of the greatest treasures of Australias magnificent north.
Every effort has been made on this Gallery site to accurately represent the vibrant colours of Ken’s images. However, due to differences in computer screens and certain other variations, the images here should only to be taken as a guide.
The colour and sharpness of a finished Ken Duncan Limited Edition Print are far superior to what can be presented on a small screen.
Every effort has been made on this Gallery site to accurately represent the vibrant colours of Ken’s images. However, due to differences in computer screens and certain other variations, the images here should only to be taken as a guide.
The colour and sharpness of a finished Ken Duncan Limited Edition Print are far superior to what can be presented on a small screen.